The purpose of the VECMA project is to enable a diverse set of multiscale, multiphysics applications to run on current multi-petascale computers and emerging exascale environments with high fidelity such that their output is “actionable”. That is, the calculations and simulations are certifiable as validated (V), verified (V), and equipped with uncertainty quantification (UQ) by tight error bars such that they may be relied upon for making important decisions in all the domains of concern. The central deliverable is an open-source toolkit for multiscale VVUQ based on generic multiscale VV and UQ primitives, to be released in stages over the lifetime of this project, fully tested and evaluated in emerging exascale environments, actively promoted over the lifetime of this project, and made widely available in European HPC centers.
ExCALIBUR is a UK research programme that aims to deliver the next generation of high-performance simulation software for the highest-priority fields in UK research. It started in October 2019 and will run through until March 2025, redesigning high priority computer codes and algorithms to meet the demands of both advancing technology and UK research.